Our Team |
Samantha Westgate
Executive Vice President
This represents the executive’s full professional profile. The purpose of this profile is to expand upon his or her short bio. Please build on the job function and responsibilities summarized in the preceding team page. We recommend that you detail any relevant professional expertise, accomplishments, education, and certifications. It’s also recommended that you acknowledge the individual’s specific contributions to the company, for example, how his or her specialized background or expertise support key group functions, objectives, and/or performance. It also never hurts to outline the individual’s previous experience, especially if it originates from a professional relationship with a recognized industry leader. When the bio refers to a founding member of the company, it’s always a good idea to outline the foundational vision, principles, and initiatives that inspired the business venture. If you wish to present certain bio items in more of a resume format, you may do so through a series of bulleted points. However, If you choose to display content in this manner, please be sure to include a solid intro paragraph to preserve the intended design aesthetic of the page. The overall content of this professional profile can be as lengthy as you wish. But if you prefer to keep it short, in order for it to appear sufficiently substantive, we recommend a minimum length of 150 words.